Joint Committee
22nd January 2021 at 10:00am Tay Cities Region Joint Committee Meeting Agenda & Papers (held remotely)
Agenda and Papers for the above meeting which is being held remotely. Please advise Veronica Thomson ( by 12noon Wednesday 20th January 2021 if you wish to join this meeting and details can be sent to you.
11th December 2020 Tay Cities Region Joint Committee Agenda & Papers (held remotely)
Agenda and Papers for the above meeting which is being held remotely. Please advise Veronica Thomson ( by 12noon Wednesday 9th December if you wish to join this meeting and details can be sent to you.
21 August 2020 TCRD Joint Committee Agenda and Papers
Agenda and Papers for the above meeting which is being held remotely. Please advise Veronica Thomson ( by 5pm Wednesday 19th August if you wish to join this meeting and details can be sent to you.
Tay Cities Region Deal Governance Legal Agreement
17/7/20 Tay Cities Region Joint Committee (held remotely)
Agenda an Papers for the above meeeting which his being held remotely.
Members of the Press or Public wishing to join the meeting should contact Veronica Thomson,
Committee Services Officer on telephone (01382) 434205 or by e-mail by 5pm on Wednesday 15th July 2020.
19/6/20 Tay Cities Region Joint Committee (Being held remotely)
Agenda and Papers for the TCRJC on 19/6/20.
If you wish to join this meeting remotely, please contact Veronica Thomson at by 5pm 16th June 2020.
CANCELLED 20 March 2020 Tay Cities Region Joint Committee Meeting
In light of the current situation regarding Coronavirus, the meeting of the Tay Cities Region Joint Committee on 20th March 2020 has been cancelled.We apologise for the short notice and for any inconvenience this may cause.We hope you will understand that the health and wellbeing of members, officers and the public must be the paramount consideration.Alternative arrangements for dealing with Committee business remotely will follow in the near future.20/2/20 Agenda and Papers for Tay Cities Region Joint Committee
Agenda and Papers for the Tay Cities Region Joint Committee taking place on Friday 21st February at 10:00am in Committee Room 4, 14 City Square, Dundee
Tay Cities Region Joint Committee 2021 Meeting Dates
Please note, due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19, remote meetings are in place for the foreseeable future but may change as restrictions permit.
08/11/19 Tay Cities Region Joint Committee Meeting