NHS Scotland’s cybersecurity agency is the first tenant to be confirmed for the new cyberQuarter research and development hub at Abertay University in Dundee.
Bringing around 30 highly skilled cybersecurity jobs to the city, the team from NHS NSS (National Services Scotland) will take up office accommodation in the cyberQuarter when the building on Abertay University’s Bell Street campus opens early next year, providing cybersecurity operations to cover all of Scotland’s health services.
The cyberQuarter is funded through the Tay Cities Deal and the new jobs are the first positions to be announced since the Deal was signed.
Designed to attract new and existing cybersecurity firms to the region, the cyberQuarter will also support the creation of new companies, boost the security and resilience of the Scottish business community and facilitate the creation of new products and services through innovation-led research.
The Scottish Government has committed up to £6 million and the UK Government up to £5.7 million to the project, with Abertay University the other main funder.
As part of their tenancy, NHS NSS will invite Abertay cybersecurity students to gain work experience alongside their staff, ensuring valuable hands-on industry experience for the students and access to the very best graduate talent for the organisation.
It is expected that other cybersecurity organisations will either locate in the cyberQuarter or take up flexible working spaces in the building as the project rolls out, with some negotiations already underway.
The cyberQuarter is being created by fully renovating the unused upper three floors of Abertay Student Centre, providing office, events and collaboration/experimentation space, alongside secure cloud-computing infrastructure to enable online teaching, R&D and knowledge-exchange activities.
A new café and social space will be created across the full ground floor footprint of the building, providing a modern focal point for the campus that will welcome students, staff, visitors, cyberQuarter tenants and members of the public.
Renovation work begins this month and, once complete, the building will be renamed The Lamont Building in honour of Annie Keir Lamont, an influential Dundee activist and graduate of Abertay’s predecessor institution, Dundee Technical Institute, who studied magnetism and electricity, and telegraphy and telephony in 1903/04.
With sustainable development part of the planning process, elements of the existing building will be reused where possible, with bar fittings to be modified and repurposed and kitchen equipment to be moved to the main University building for use on Abertay’s food science courses.
Interior concept designs for the new layout have been designed by Wellwood Leslie Architects.
Steven Flockhart, Director of Cloud Engineering & Digital Operations at NHS National Services Scotland, said: “NSS is proud to bring Digital and Security services to the new hub at cyberQuarter. Our work harnesses technology to transform healthcare services, or the way they’re delivered. But in this case, it has the potential to change lives in another way. NSS’s base will create 30 new jobs and develop the next generation of digital security specialists, simultaneously supporting their career growth whilst safeguarding NHS data. An organisation as complex as Scotland’s NHS requires security that strengthens critical systems and infrastructure and our dedicated cybersecurity centre at cyberQuarter will do just that.”
Scottish Government Economy Secretary Kate Forbes said: “I’m pleased to see such a positive example of the impact our investment in the Tay Cities Region Deal is having. It’s great news for the region to secure 30 highly skilled jobs in this vital sector, and to see that NHS NSS will also be working with Abertay University to create new opportunities for their students. With the University’s commitment to inclusive growth and the local student base, I hope this will help ensure that local people have the chance to benefit from these developments.”
UK Government Minister Iain Stewart said: "The last year has shown the value of digitally connected systems, at home, at work and for our public services, and how important it is that we protect these. The UK Government is contributing £5.7 million to the cyberQuarter as part of the Tay Cities Deal, supporting cybersecurity skills and expertise and bringing new jobs and businesses to the region. This will complement the work of the UK's National Cyber Security Centre, which is building greater capabilities and resilience across the entire country. We are also investing more than £1.5 billion into region deals across Scotland, helping to build back better after the pandemic."
Chair of the Tay Cities Joint Committee, Councillor John Alexande,r said: “It’s fantastic to see the work that has gone into the Tay Cities Deal translating into new jobs and investment in the region. The cyberQuarter project is a natural fit for the area as our tech sector continues to go from strength to strength, and I’m very pleased to see the NHS NSS cybersecurity team basing their national operations in Dundee.”
Professor Nigel Seaton, Abertay University Principal and Chair of the Tay Cities Higher and Further Education Forum said: “The cyberQuarter has significant potential to enhance both the region’s economy and the opportunities available to students in the area. Cybersecurity is a growth industry on a global level and I’m confident that the research, innovation and knowledge sharing that will be enabled through the cyberQuarter will create employment and, importantly, position the region as a Scottish hub for future industry developments.”