Tay Cities Deal partners today said they were looking forward to the Deal being formally signed before the end of December.
The partners were reacting to the announcement in the Chancellor’s Comprehensive Spending Review that funding for the Deal will be delivered over a 10-year period.
Although a date for signing has yet to be agreed, following discussions with the two Governments it’s expected that ink will be put to paper by ministers and local leaders before the end of the year.
Joint Committee chair Councillor David Ross, Fife Council’s co-leader, said: “Officers are currently working through the detail of the Comprehensive Spending Review.
“We must make sure that the significant investment from all concerned delivers the maximum benefit for people and businesses across the Tay Cities Region.
“Therefore, we will continue to press the case for a more flexible funding profile, including a specific solution to allow the James Hutton Institute projects to be delivered more quickly.
“However, the announcement in the Comprehensive Spending Review relating to the compression of funding for the Deal from 15 to 10 years is welcome, and means that we are now at the point where it can be signed.
“Following the signing of the Ayrshire Deal in November, we look forward to our own signing taking place in the coming weeks.”
The Tay Cities Deal is an agreement between the UK Government, Scottish Government, Angus, Dundee City, Fife and Perth & Kinross councils along with business, higher and further education and the third sector.
The two governments have pledged £300 million which will help to lever a further £400 million of investment to create a smarter and fairer city region with over 6000 new job opportunities.
Councillor Ross continued: “The Deal will deliver significant long-term benefits for the area.
“It forms an important part of our plans to improve economic outcomes for everyone, reduce poverty and develop a fairer Tay Cities region.
“The Deal partners have shared the understandable desire of those behind the projects, other stakeholders and the wider public to see the Deal signed and funding start to be spent on the ground.
“I am very pleased that we are now finally in a position to sign the Tay Cities Deal, and look forward to that happening shortly.”
The Tay Cities Region comprises the local authority areas of Angus, Dundee City, Perth & Kinross and the North East part of Fife. The region has a strong economic base and regional identity with world class universities and many cutting-edge businesses. It is home to almost 500,000 people and more than 15,000 businesses.
The Deal is a partnership between local, Scottish and UK governments and the private, academic and voluntary sectors which seeks to create a smarter and fairer Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth & Kinross under the headings Inclusive Tay; Innovative, International Tay; Connected Tay and An Empowered Tay.
In total, the 29 projects and programmes submitted require investment of £700 million of which £300 million over 10 years is being put in by the Scottish and UK governments and their agencies, subject to final approval of robust business cases.
If every project and programme set out in the submission is funded and delivered, up to 6000 job opportunities could be created across tourism, food and drink, creative industries, eco innovation, digital, decommissioning, engineering, biomedical and health and care.